William Levy vents on Instagram about the betrayals he has received and sends a message of love to his followers.
William Levy surprised this Sunday with a strong message on Instagram in the midst of the controversy over his separation from Elizabeth Gutiérrez. In a story he posted on Instagram, the Cuban actor launched a powerful message against those who have spoken ill of him, expressing his frustration and disappointment towards those people, although without mentioning specific names…
The soap opera heartthrob began his writing by saying: “I have fed mouths that have spoken shit about me. I have lifted people who have tried to bring me down.” He continued by saying that he has supported people who later tried to bring him down, but he will not be driven by hate.
“Yes, life could be a bit crazy but I wouldn’t get lost in hatred towards others. After all that crap, I’m still here being myself,” he added.
He concluded his message wishing a beautiful Sunday to his followers. This message was followed by a selfie that he posted on his wall on the social network, sending love to all his fans.
The post from the protagonist of ‘Coffee with the Scent of a Woman’ came out a few days after Elizabeth Gutiérrez spoke out about the police visit to the actor’s home. Elizabeth expressed her sadness about the situation and stressed that she would never speak ill of William Levy, emphasizing that he is the father of her children and that the issue should have been resolved within the family.
“It’s a matter that should have been resolved within the family as we had always done. I will never speak ill of William Levy, he is the father of my children and I have never wanted to harm him in any way,” said the actress, as journalist Alex Rodríguez indicated on the show Sit Whoever Can!. “What came out from the police was very unpleasant for everyone, especially for our children.”
William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez maintained a 20-year relationship marked by ups and downs and speculations about infidelities on the part of the actor. A few weeks ago, the Mexican actress announced her separation from the actor, news that was followed by several revelations about the altercations they had during the last months of their separation and after their breakup.
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