Hijo mayor de Pepe Aguilar se pronuncia sobre el romance de Ángela con Christian Nodal.
In an exclusive interview, Emiliano Aguilar, eldest son of renowned Mexican singer Pepe Aguilar, opens up about his journey in the music industry, his relationship with his father, and his perspectives on recent family developments.
Emiliano Aguilar, known for his unique blend of rap and regional Mexican music, shared insights into his independent path within the Aguilar dynasty. “What I want to teach with this music that I’m making is that I come from another world,” he remarked, highlighting his desire to connect with everyday struggles and experiences.
Addressing his relationship with his father, Pepe Aguilar, Emiliano reflected candidly: “With my dad, I’m very focused on my own career.” He emphasized his independence and ambition, expressing a desire to prove himself through his own efforts.
Regarding his sister Angel Aguilar’s recent marriage to Christian Nodal, Emiliano extended his best wishes, clarifying, “I have never spoken to Nodal or had any interaction with him.” Despite social media speculation, Emiliano asserted his focus on personal endeavors rather than family drama.
Emiliano Aguilar also teased an upcoming collaboration with Argentine rapper Cazzu, signaling a new direction in his musical career. “It has good music,” he acknowledged, hinting at his evolving style and creative ventures beyond traditional boundaries.
As Emiliano Aguilar continues to carve his own path in music, his story underscores a commitment to authenticity and artistic exploration amidst familial fame and expectations.
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